Registration Form
The Regional Assay Office in Krakow kindly informs that the Specimen Application form is to be filled in by the following:
- the manufacturers of precious metal goods newly manufactured in the Republic of Poland whoa re determining for the first time the design of the personal mark,
- the producers of precious metal goods who are changing the image of the personal mark,
- the producers of precious metal goods who are changing the data relating to the entry on the register of personal marks,
- entities which place on the market goods whose mass of parts made of precious metal alloys is less than:
- 1 gram for platinum alloys,
- 1 gram for gold alloys,
- 5 grams for silver alloys,
- the manufacturers of precious metal goods who do not place the manufactured goods on the market.
Application form for placing an entry in the register of personal marks
The Application Form should also contain an attached photocopy of a document confirming the performance of business activities (stamped as true to original). Depending on the legal form of the business activities this document should be:
- a statement of entry in the economic activity register (or CEIDG – Central Registration and Information on Business),
- the National Court Register,
and: - a photocopy of an identification number statement in the National Official Register Database for National Economy Entities REGON (stamped as true to original)
Concerning manufacturers of precious metal goods who do not place the manufactured goods on the market it is necessary to attach the following photocopy (stamped as true to original):
- The personal ID number (PESEL) or the number of another document confirming identity and citizenship
For more details please contact:
Wydział Nadzoru
w Okręgowym Urzędzie Probierczym w Krakowie
tel. 12 430 35 26 lub 12 421 05 01 wew. 23, 26